Powerful Dua for travelling


Asalaam o Alaikum, I hope everyone is well! Today, our topic is dua for travelling. Many people travel on holidays, such as Umrah or Hajj. We all need a holiday from time to time.

Even if not holidays, we still travel to work every day and go out for our everyday essentials, be it shopping or anything else.

It is said that when we travel, we should ask for Allah SWT protection and guidance to keep us safe and take us to our destination without any problems.  

Making dua is a very important and hopeful source for Muslims. Dua is mighty, and it can change our lives for the better.

However, it is said that when travelling, you should make a dua as Allah is more likely to accept it and answer it.

Furthermore, making dua will protect you while you are on your journey. “Your duas are never rejected.

They are answered in different ways”. Remember, Allah is here for us and will always guide us through the right path. Allah will always be by our side, no matter what. 

How to seek protection from Allah while travelling?  

  1. Apart from making dua for travel, you can regularly recite the five times Salah and selflessly ask Allah Taala for protection in your own words.
  2. You can also read some ayah in the Quran because there are some ayah in the Quran which are considered very important in protecting you from harm or danger. It works to bring peace and security into your life. These aayahs were Ayatul Kursi, Sura Al Baqarah, Surah Al Falaq.
  3. Most importantly, you must keep your faith strong and trust Allah completely. Satan will try to shake your faith again and again, but you must keep your faith in Allah firmly.
  4. Always have some plans while travelling, keep emergency contacts handy, and most importantly, keep your important documents safe.

Following the tips above can save yourself and your family and friends from harm.

Allah (SWT) will be with you, and He will protect you from everything that comes your way.

Read Powerful Dua to thank Allah for his favour and blessings In Arabic And English

Powerful Dua for travelling

Best dua for travelling is: “Allahumma inna nas-aluka fi safarina haza-l-birra wat-taqwa, wa minal-‘amali ma tardho. Allahumma hawwin ‘alaina safarina haza, watwi ‘anna bu’dahu, Allahumma antas-sohibu fis-safar wal-khalifatu fil-ahli. Allahumma inni a-‘uzu bika min wa’atha-is-safar, wa kabbati-manzar, wa su-i-lmunqalabi fil-mal wal-ahli” (Narrated by Imam Muslim)

Translation: O Allah, I ask You for righteousness and piety during this journey and for actions that please You. I also ask You for well-being in this world and the Hereafter. 

This dua should be recited before starting your journey/travelling to seek Allah’s blessings and protection.

(Method) follow some guidelines to perform this dua:  

  • Firstly, perform Wudhu 
  • Before reciting this dua, perform Niyat (intention). 
  • Secondly, read Durood Shareef 11 times. 
  • Then, recite the dua given for travelling 232 times. 

Finally, if you want to make any specific dua of your own, you can, as it is good to make lots of dua while travelling because Allah will surely hear you and answer you, Insha’Allah. 

Follow this method for as long as you travel to get good results and stay protected.

Ensure you recite this dua every day until you return home, as Allah (SWT) will always be with you.

Reciting this dua will protect you from any harm or evil. 

You can contact Molana Anwar Khan on WhatsApp; he will be happy to help you and guide you in anything.

He has been a big help to many people worldwide; he’s helped thousands of people find solutions to their problems and give them hope that they should not give up and trust Allah alone.

He will try his best to understand your problems and give you suitable sources from the Quran to help you find a solution.

You can contact him for anything. Even if you need a wazifa, he will be there for you.

He will ease your situation and calm everything down, Insha’Allah. We also have an Instagram page named Molana Anwar Khan Ya Wadudu.

Please check the page to see if there is more information and some other duas you may be interested in that are convenient for different situations. 

Read Powerful Sabar ki dua (Dua for Patience)

What are the benefits of reciting the Dua while travelling? 

There are many benefits to reciting the dua while travelling, such as:   

  • Protection: Allah will protect you from harm and danger; you will be under his shield, and he will offer you protection.  
  • Guidance: By reading this dua, travellers can seek advice to make the best decisions for their lives during their journey, be it what route to take or where to stop. 
  • Peace of mind: Participating in making dua can have a calming effect on one’s soul and heart and reduce anxiety and stress from being in an unknown area/place.
  • Accepted dua by Allah: Whatever prayer you make to Allah (SWT) while travelling, the probability of it being fulfilled increases to a great extent.

Read 5 Surahs for Peace of Mind


Reciting the dua while travelling can create comfort and give you the best experience; it will also protect you throughout your journey.

If you are travelling or planning to travel, I recommend reciting this dua. It will help you with many problems you may encounter while travelling. Also, it is for your protection and benefit. 

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