Ya Wadudu: Get Quranic Verses for all life problems

Assalam Walekum, welcome to Ya Wadudu. This website is special for those who want solutions to any problem in their life, and that too with the help of the Quran and Sunnah in a proper halal way.

We have provided many Duas, Wazifas, and Surahs on this website with step-by-step methods. If you perform the given method with full faith in Allah (SWT), then, inshallah, you will get the solution to every problem.

On this website, all the duas given by Maulana Anwar Khan and the ways to perform them have been tried by millions of people.

And we promise you that if you do these duas, then you will definitely get results.

If you have any questions, please contact Maulana Anwar Khan on WhatsApp.

He will guide you one hundred percent in solving all your problems.

What do you find on this website?

On this website, you will find all types of dua and wazifa so that you will be able to solve the problems in your life.

Dua to get married to the person you want

For example, if you want to meet someone and your intention is completely correct, as you want to get married to that person, but many problems are coming between you and you are not able to marry them.

If you are unsuccessful in getting married, then we will give you such a dua or wazifa on this website that your marriage-related problems will be solved.

Dua to get what you want

If you sincerely want something from Allah Taala that Allah Taala will accept for you, then on this website, we will also give you dua to get what you want.

By performing this dua, or wazifa, Allah Ta’ala will provide you with what you want.

Dua for love marriage

If there is any obstacle coming into your love marriage and you want a solution with the guidance of Allah Taala, then by performing the given dua on this website, you can eliminate it forever, and your love marriage will easily happen.

Wazifa for marriage

If you are making a new beginning in your life, that too with your marriage, and you want there to be no problem in your wedding, then do not forget to follow the wazifa for marriage given on this website.

It will help you solve any problem in every type of love marriage or arranged marriage.

Dua to make someone fall in love with you

If you truly love someone and your intentions are pure and clean, and you want to keep such a bond that they will marry you, then you can make them fall madly in love with you by performing Dua to make someone fall in love with you, given on this website.

Powerful Dua for love back

Do you want to get your lost love back? That too! With the immense help of Allah Ta’ala, then, do not forget to pray the Dua for Love Back given on this website.

If you do it with a true heart and intention, then, inshallah, you will get back your lost love.

Best dua for getting married soon

If you want to get married soon but you are seeing so many challenges in your marriage, it’s becoming a big reason for not getting married soon.

In such a situation, do not forget to perform Dua for getting married soon, as given on this website.

If you pray this dua with true intentions and full faith in Allah (SWT), then your marriage will happen soon.

Signs of jinn in house

If you feel that there is some evil thing in your house, and that is jinn, then you must read Sign of Jinn in the House on our website. After reading this article, you will be able to find out whether you have gin in your house or not.

Dua to make someone love you and marry you

If you truly love someone and want to get married to them, but you are facing problems and the person you truly love is not getting the same response from them as per your wish, we suggest you read the Dua to Make Someone Love You and Marry You’ given on our website. After reading this, you will be able to marry that person easily, and that person will start loving you.

Dua to remove nazar in Islam

Nazar is a very dangerous thing in Islam. If someone gets infected with it, then life gets completely spoiled.

Even a happy life gets ruined if you feel that you, too, have been affected by someone’s evil eye, then you can use the prayer given on our website to remove the evil eye.

After performing this, you will easily be able to get rid of the evil eye forever.

Dua for husband love

If your married life is not going well and your husband does not love you like this.

If you feel that the way he used to treat you after marriage and that the love that existed between you two has been lost somewhere, then we recommend you read the Dua for Husband Love given in our article.

Do it. After doing this, you will definitely find your lost love through your husband.

Surah for success

If you are very sad due to failure in your life and you want to be successful in everything, then we will give you such a Surah on our website.

By reading these Surahs, success will kiss your feet. Do not forget to read Surah for Success, which is given on our website.

Dua for someone you love

If you love someone very much and you want your relationship with him always to remain good, and may Allah Taala shower blessings on both of you, then we recommend you read the “Dua for Someone You Love” given on our website.

Wazifa and Dua for love marriage to agree parents

If you love someone and you want to marry him, but your parents or the parents of the person you love do not agree to this marriage,

If you want Allah’s (SWT) help and want something to happen that both parents say yes to the marriage, then do not forget to read our “dua for love marriage to agree parents” given on this website.

After performing this dua, we promise you that your parents or the parents of the person you love will definitely agree to this marriage.

Dua for someone come back to you

If someone special has left you and you want to get them back with the help of dua, then perform the dua for someone to come back to you given on our website. By doing this, that person will definitely come back to you.

Dua To stop Divorce

In Islam, marriage is a sacred bond between two people.

If that bond is broken, then the whole life gets spoiled.

If something like this is happening to you, too, and your marriage has reached the threshold of divorce, and you want this divorce to stop.

Then do not panic and perform the Dua to Stop Divorce given on our website properly. Doing this will stop your divorce.

Dua to remove Black magic

Black magic! It is a very dangerous thing that is prohibited in Islam. If someone does it to another person, then his life gets completely spoiled.

If you also feel that you have become a victim of black magic, then do not panic. Read our article, Dua to Remove Black Magic, which is given on this website in the proper way.

Perform it properly. After reciting this prayer, that black magic will end forever.

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