Powerful Dua for love marriage to agree parents (convince your parents)


Dua for Love Marriage to Agree parents has brought positive change into the lives of many people, and it is continuing.

If the true thing is still alive, it is true love.

True love has so much power that it wins, even if everyone turns against it.

But in the eyes of Allah, that love proves to be true and pure only when two people get tied in a marriage bond.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) set a beautiful example when it came to love.

Instead of engaging in forbidden (Haram) relationships, he would choose nikah (marriage). He understood that, in the eyes of Allah, a pure marriage is crucial.

Therefore, marriage is an essential thing in Islam.

“There is nothing like marriage for the two who love one another.

Sunan Ibn Majah 1847

If two people in love desire to unite in the eyes of Allah, the journey towards union through marriage can be challenging.

Obstacles may arise as the parents of either the boy or the girl become involved.

It becomes challenging to convince the mother and father to marry. Due to these reasons, it is often seen that it is difficult for two lovers to unite.

If you find yourself in a situation where you wish for your parents and your partner’s parents to agree to your love marriage, this article provides many powerful dua for love marriage to agree parents to help make that happen.

If you pray this dua with your true heart, pure intentions, and full faith in Allah SWT, you will get its results, and your mother and father will say yes to this marriage.

 “This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah”

Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 2

Follow some important points before performing Dua

If you want to get your prayer accepted by Allah Taala, you should always start praying by keeping some points in mind. So let us know from which points you have to keep this prayer in mind while praying. 

  • While praying, touch a clean place and keep the surrounding environment pure.
  • Keep your intentions pure while praying. If you make this dua with any negative thoughts, Allah Ta’ala will not accept your dua.
  • To get good results, one must recite 5 to 10 names of Allah Taala before starting dua.
  • Before praying for forgiveness of your sins, ask for repentance from Allah Taala.
  • Women should not pray this dua during their menstruation.
  • Recite each word of the given dua correctly.

4 steps to perform Dua for love marriage to agree parents

  1. Before any Salah, do Wudu.
  2. Then, read Durood Sharif 11 times.
  3. Recite Surah al-Faith twice.
  4. Finally, recite SURAH AL-QASAS AYAT 24 (28:24 QURAN) 564 times and pray to Allah (SWT) to agree to your parents for your love marriage.

If you want your parents’ permission in your love marriage, you must follow this dua method regularly for at least 15 days.  

If you have any doubts or questions and want quick, effective results in a short time, you can seek advice from Maulana Anwar Khan Ji through WhatsApp.

Thousands of brothers and sisters have found solutions to their life’s problems with the help of Maulana Anwar Khan. Check out our Instagram page to read their testimonials and reviews.

Read Dua for future husband and wife (See future husband in dream.)

Dua for love marriage to agree parents
In this image we share Dua for love marriage to agree parents.

Wazifa for love marriage to agree parents

If you find the dua as mentioned above and the method of doing it difficult, don’t worry; we will give you one wazifa for love marriage to agree parents; after performing this wazifa, your parents or your lover’s parents will not refuse this marriage. 

The only condition is to do this wazifa well with complete faith in Allah Taala.

  1. First, before Fajar Salah, make wudu and sit in a clean place. After that, recite “Sami Allahu liman hamidah” 11 times. 
  2. Take your parent’s photo in your hands, recite “Rabbi innee limaaa anzalta ilaiya min khairin faqeer” 546 times, and blow on your parent’s photo. 
  3. Finally, pray to Allah (SWT) to agree your parents for your love marriage.

You must follow this wazifa for 14 days regularly, inshallah; you will get good news from your parents.

Read Best Powerful Wazifa for marriage in Quran (Marriage Wazifa)

Wazifa for love marriage to agree parents
This image show you Wazifa for love marriage to agree parents.

Perform Dua to convince parents for love marriage

To convince parents for your love marriage, Start with Salawat, then read two of Rakt’s Nafl and Recite “wa’lamooo annal laaha yahoolu bainal mar’i wa qalbihee wa anahooo ilaihi tuhsharoon.” 524 times daily for 21 days after any salah.

If you genuinely love your lover and want to marry them, then only the above dua will work for you. 

If you are praying these prayers for any insufficient benefit of yours or have any opposing thoughts about the person in front of you, then this prayer will not work.

Read Powerful Dua for marriage problems (Dua for difficulty in marriage)

Dua to convince parents for love marriage
In this image we share Dua to convince parents for love marriage.

Here is Dua to make his parents agree for marriage in 4 easy steps

If you are a girl and love your boyfriend very much, but your boyfriend’s parents are refusing this marriage, then in this situation, you are in dire need of the blessings of Allah Taala. 

So today, we will give you Dua to make his parents agree to marriage.

If you perform it with a true heart and complete faith in Allah (swt), then the boy’s parents will agree to the marriage.

  1. First, make wudu.
  2. Read “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem” 11 times.
  3. Recite Surah al-Taha once.
  4. Finally, to make his parents agree to your marriage, recite “Rabbi inni lima azalea ilayya min khayrin faqeer.” 435 times.

You have to follow this method regularly for 16 days.

Read Powerful Dua for marriage proposal in Islam (proposal acceptance)

Dua to make his parents agree for marriage
In this image we share Dua to make his parents agree for marriage.

Read Dua to convince parents for something

Suppose your parents don’t listen to anything you say and not accept it as is. You know that what you want to say to them and what you want them to do is right for them and you.

Still, they are not ready to listen to you, so you don’t need to worry.

We will give you such a powerful and small prayer through which you can convince your parents to do what you want to do for you.

To convince your parents for something, you have to recite “fasaka lahuma summa dua” 234 times after every Salah for 18 days, blow on their photo, and pray to Allah SWT to help you for convince your parents.

Dua to convince parents for something

Benefits of Performing Dua for love marriage to agree parents

If you regularly follow the Dua for Love Marriage for agree Parents in your life as per our rules, you will get many benefits.

If you want to know the benefits you will get after doing the above-mentioned Duas, then we will tell you all the benefits one by one:

  1. The most significant benefit of doing these duas is that you can easily convince your parents of your desired marriage with the help of Allah’s grace.
  2. The second benefit is that you will feel very close to Allah, and a different kind of positive energy will be generated inside you.
  3. The evil eye or any restriction on you will be removed by doing these prayers.
  4. And by doing these duas regularly, your life after marriage will also go very well.
  5. If you want to know the benefits in detail, you can also contact our Maulana Anwar Khan through WhatsApp. He will help you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to convince parents for love marriage in Islam

Convincing parents for a love marriage in Islam requires careful consideration and Islamic principles. 
Here are some steps you can take:

1. Pray to Allah for guidance.
2. Talk to each other respectfully and openly.
3. Understand and address their concerns.
4. Involve a trusted elder or scholar.
5. Highlight Islamic values in the relationship.
6. Seek advice from Istikhara.
7. Recite daily specific Dua to convince parents for your love marriage.

Is there any Easy Dua for convincing parents for love marriage?

Easy Dua for convincing your parents for love marriage is from SURAH AL-QASAS AYAT 24 (28:24 QURAN) “Fasaqaa lahumaa summa tawallaaa ilaz zilli faqaala Rabbi innee limaaa anzalta ilaiya min khairin faqeer.”


In conclusion, dua for love marriage to agree parents is such a powerful prayer through which any person can easily make his parents agree to his marriage, and that too with the blessings of Allah Tala. 

Till now, thousands of people have adopted this dua in their lives, and they have gotten amazing results by successfully convincing their parents to marry.

You just have to have full faith in Allah, and with patience, you will have to adopt these prayers in your life as per our rules.

“Which deed is best?” The Prophet said, “Faith in Allah and his messenger.”

(Sunan an-Nasa’i 4985)

Inshallah, you will get the best results.

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24 thoughts on “Powerful Dua for love marriage to agree parents (convince your parents)”

  1. It been a year I am trying to convince my parents about the man I want to marry but it become difficult every time. I don’t know what to do again I need help please help me

  2. I have performed the first wazifa for exactly 15 days without any break then i contact to molana he helps me alot and my situaton is better now.


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