5 Dua for nazar (How to remove nazar in islam) Nazar dua


Our dua for Nazar has proved to be a boon for the Yawadudud readers, so people have gotten rid of the evil eye from themselves forever, and this trend continues.

The evil eye is real.

Reference: Sunan Ibn Majah 3506 Chapter 32: The evil eye

The Arabic term for the evil eye is “Al-Ayn,” as referenced in the Holy Quran.

The evil eye destroys the lives of even good people. This is something that ruins a happy family.

Everyone knows that the evil eye has been present in this world since the existence of humans.

It is often formed by the harmful effects of envy or jealousy toward others.

It is believed that a person can unknowingly harm another person, object, or even livestock by casting an evil eye or expressing jealousy towards them.

The evil eye is a negative energy that can cause harm or misfortune to affected individuals.

That’s why you must have seen many times that people who have everything given by Allah Ta’ala still tell Allah that Allah has not given them anything.

If they remain sad all the time, one reason for this is the evil eye.

You’re in the right place if you sense that you’ve fallen victim to the evil eye, experiencing unwarranted misfortunes and seeking refuge in Allah’s protection.

This article offers guidance and some powerful dua to rid yourself of the hurtful effects of the evil eye.

You can permanently remove the evil eye’s influence from your life with the remedy provided here.

Follow some guidance before starting this Dua

If you want help from Allah Taala, you must follow some rules while praying.  

If you want to keep the rules in mind while praying, then we are giving you all those rules as follows:

  •  Make dua with complete sincerity and pure intentions. Only then will Allah Taala accept your dua.
  • To protect yourself from the evil eye, you must have complete faith in Allah while praying; your prayer will only work.
  • According to the rules, you must pray this prayer daily; only then will you get its effects.
  • While praying, he kept asking for forgiveness from Allah Ta’ala. So that Allah can forgive you of your sins and accept your prayers soon.
  • Women should not perform this dua during their menstruation. You can start this dua three days after the end of your menstruation.
  • Maintain humility within yourself and do not show excessive pride in your blessings, as this may make others jealous.
  • Try and keep educating yourself about the signs and symptoms and preventive measures related to the evil eye, as well as other spiritual practices of Islam, and try to contact a good Maulana.

4 steps to perform Dua for nazar (Dua for evil eye)

  1. First pefrom wudu.
  2. Then, recite Duroord 11 times with Ayat Al-Kursi.
  3. After that, recite Manzil Dua 11 times.
  4. Finally, pray to Allah (SWT) to remove Nazar from you and your family.

You must perform this ritual regularly for 16 days After any three salahs with complete faith in Allah SWT, InshaAllah, evil eyes will start to be removed, and you will see positive outcomes daily.

If you have any questions and want to follow this ritual under the guidance of Molana Anwar Khan, then you can consult him via WhatsApp at any time. He will help you remove any negative energy from you.

“With the guidance of Maulana Anwar Khan, many brothers and sisters have overcome their life’s difficulties. You can find their reviews and testimonials on our Instagram page.”

Read How to remove jinn from body (Jinnat se bachne ki dua).

Dua for nazar (Dua for evil eye)
We share Dua for nazar (Dua for evil eye)

How to remove nazar in Islam

In Islam, protection from the evil eye is known as “Nazar.” There are many ways and prayers to get rid of the evil eye.

Here are some steps to remove nazar in Islam:

  • Recite specific verses from the Quran that offer protection from the evil eye. Verses such as Ayat al-Kursi (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:255), Surah Al-Falaq (Chapter 113), and Surah An-Nas (Chapter 114) are commonly recited to remove evil eyes.
  • Seek the help of a knowledgeable individual like our Molana Anwar Khan to perform ruqyah, which involves reciting Quranic verses and prayers to seek Allah’s protection from evil forces, including the evil eye.
  • Regularly seek refuge in Allah (SWT) from the evil eye by reciting the following dua:

“A’udhu bi kalimatillahi at-tammati min kulli shaytanin wa hammah wa min kulli ‘aynin lammah.”

Translation: “I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from every devil, harmful creature, and evil eye.”

  • Maintain a consistent schedule of performing salah (prayers) and engaging in dhikr (remembrance of Allah) to maintain spiritual strength and protection.
  • Seek guidance from knowledgeable scholars like Molana Anwar Khan, who can provide advice and assistance in removing the effects of the evil eye through the Quran and Sunnah.

Read Very quick effective Powerful duas for all problems.

How to remove nazar in islam
In This image we share How to remove nazar in islam.

Dua to remove nazar in Islam

To protect yourself from the evil eye, you have to recite this dua:

“A’udhu bi kalimatillahi at-tammati min kulli shaytanin wa hammah wa min kulli ‘aynin lammah.”

Translation: “I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from every devil, harmful creature, and evil eye.”

Reciting this dua regularly, 343 times after every Salah, with sincerity and belief in Allah’s protection can help safeguard oneself from the harmful effects of the evil eye.

Read Signs of jinn in house (Do jinns live in every house)

Dua to remove nazar in Islam
Read Dua to remove nazar in Islam.

Dua for protection from evil eye and jealousy in 4 easy steps

  1. Perform Ablution.
  2. Then offer two Rakat Salats.
  3. Take some Zamzam in your hands and recite, “I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from every devil, harmful creature, and evil eye.” 434 times.
  4. Finally, drink Zamzam and blow on your hands.

Follow this ritual daily for 17 days if you want protection from harmful eyes, evil eyes, and jealousy.

Read the Most Powerful Dua for Miracles to Happen.

Dua for protection from evil eye and jealousy
We share Dua for protection from evil eye and jealousy.

Prayer for Nazar in Islam

The prayer for Nazar’s protection in Islam is: “Bismillahi arqeeka, min kulli shay’in yu’dheeka, min sharri kulli nafsin aw ‘aynin hasidin. Allahumma rabbi an-nas, adhhib il-ba’s, washfi antash-shafi, la shifa’a illa shifa’uka, shifa’an la yughadiru saqaman.”

Translation: “In the name of Allah, I perform ruqyah for you, from everything that is harming you, from the evil of every soul or envious eye. O Allah, Lord of the people, remove the harm, and heal him (or her), for You are the healer, and there is no healing except Your healing, with a healing that does not leave any disease behind.”

Recite this prayer 434 times after every salah for 21 days and lightly blow on the affected person or yourself. 

It is a powerful supplication seeking Allah’s protection and healing from the harmful effects of the evil eye.

Prayer for Nazar in Islam
In this image we share Prayer for Nazar in Islam.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Surah is best for nazar?

The most frequently asked question that comes to us is which Surah is the best for warding off the evil eye, so we thought, why not answer this question in detail in this article?

Well, many such surahs in Islam protect you from the Evil eyes, such as Surah Al-Falaq  (Chapter 113), Surah An-Nas (Chapter 114), and Ayatul Kursi, these are three such surahs that protect you from any kind of evil eye and make you feel that you are very close to Allah Taala.

If you read these three surahs on a daily basis after any advice, then no one’s evil eye will fall on you, and you will always be saved from the influence of the devil, and the mercy of Allah will always be on you, and your spoiled works will also start getting done.

Read Powerful Dua e qunoot (Meaning and Benefits of Reading Dua e Qunoot)

Is there any Nazar ki dua in English?

Yes, prayers (duas) for protection from Nazar (evil eye) can be recited in English. 

One such dua is: “I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from every devil, harmful creature, and evil eye.”

Is there any Nazar ki dua by Prophet?

One such general dua for protection that is commonly attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is: “A’udhu bi kalimatillahi at-tammati min kulli shaytanin wa hammah wa min kulli ‘aynin lammah.”

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8 thoughts on “5 Dua for nazar (How to remove nazar in islam) Nazar dua”

  1. I reached out to Molana Anwar when I was feeling very negative and low. Following his guidance and dua’s, my life has completely transformed. I highly recommend seeking Molana Anwar’s guidance to everyone.

  2. Molana Anwar ki madad aur duaon ka asar dekh kar meri zindagi mein bepanah khushiyaan aayi hain. Unki rehnumaai aur duaon ka shukriya

  3. Molana Anwar’s dua for nazar has brought immense positivity into my life. I am grateful for his guidance and recommend his services to anyone seeking growth and protection


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