6 Powerful Dua for Obedient Child (Dua for children)


Our Given Dua for Obedient Children has made a positive impact on the lives of thousands of parents so far, so their children have started listening to them, and this trend is continuing.

Which parent in this world does not want their child to obey, respect everything, and understand what they say?

Every parent has a desire for their child to understand how much his parents love him and that he should know that the parents are very serious about them.

But sometimes children will not obey their parents. Due to this, many conflicts and fights arise in homes.

This is the reason why sometimes huge rifts develop in homes and children get separated from their parents.

If you are also struggling with the same problem and you want Allah Ta’ala to guide you to make your child start respecting and obeying you.

Then we are very happy to tell you that you are in the right place
Today, through this article, we will give you some such dua.

If you adopt our methods in your life, you will get results that will help your child understand and implement everything you say.

Follow some rules before starting this Dua

If you want to achieve anything for your children from Allah Taala and you are praying to Allah Taala for those things, then you have to keep in mind that you will have to follow some rules. 

Only then will this dua be effective for you, and Allah will accept it. 

Below, we are giving you some rules that you have to follow.

  • Before starting dua, you have to keep your intentions pure.
  • Have full faith in Allah (SWT) while praying this prayer.
  • Women then do not pray this dua during menstruation.
  • You will have to seek forgiveness from Allah for the sins you have committed; only then will you have to start this prayer.
  • You will not scold your children at all while starting the prayer until you complete it.
  • You have to be patient because Allah Taala accepts prayers only at His own time.

Powerful Dua for Obedient Child (Dua for children)

A powerful dua for seeking an obedient child is “Rabbi hab li minas-saliheen,” which means “My Lord, grant me [a child] from among the righteous.” This dua is taken from Surah As-Saffat (Chapter 37), Verse 100 of the Quran.

5 Easy steps to perform Dua for obedient child:

  1. First, do proper wudu.
  2. Face the direction of the Qibla.
  3. Read “AL-WAAHID AL-AHAD” 11 times.
  4. Recite “Rabbi hab li minas-saliheen” 343 times.
  5. Finally, pray to Allah SWT to make your child obedient.

You have to follow this method regularly for 16 days with full faith in Allah SWT. InshaAllah, you will start seeing positive results in your child in a few days.

If you want to perform this dua under the guidance of Molana Anwar Khan, then you can consult him via WhatsApp.

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Powerful Dua for Obedient Child (Dua for children)
In this image we share Powerful Dua for Obedient Child (Dua for children)

Read 3 Best Dua to stop family fights (Stop fighting in house)

Dua for stubborn child in Quran

A powerful dua for stubborn child is from Surah Al-Furqan (Chapter 25), Verse 74: “Wa allatheena yaqooloona rabbana hab lana min azwajina wathurriyyatina qurrata aAAyunin wajAAalna lilmuttaqeena imama.” 

This means, “And those who say, ‘Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.”

Parents who truly and devotionally recite this dua after every salah 123 times and ask Allah SWT for advice and help in raising their children, even the disobedient or difficult ones.

Dua for stubborn child in Quran
We share Dua for stubborn child in Quran.

6 Steps to perfrom Dua for child behaviour

  1. Begin by performing wudu.
  2. Find a quiet and clean place where you can focus on your supplication.
  3. Face the direction of the Qibla.
  4. Read “AL-MU’AKHKHIR AL-WAALI” 54 times.
  5. Recite Surah Al-Furqan (Chapter 25), Verse 74, 545 times.
  6. Finally, pray to Allah SWT to make your child behave well towards you.

You have to follow this method regularly for 15 days after fajar salah.

Dua for child behaviour
We share Dua for child behaviour.

Read Powerful Dua for parents health and long life.

Dua for children (dua for kids)

A best dua for children is “Rabbi auzi’ni an asykura ni’matakal-lati an’amta ‘alayya wa ‘alaa waalidayya wa an a’mala solihan tardhahu wa aslih lii fii zurriyyati inni tubtu ilaika wa inni minal-muslimin.” This dua is taken from Surah Al-Ahqaf Verse No.15.

If parents recite this dua 50 times daily in front of their children and blow on them after they recite, then, inshallah, children will listen to their parents.

Dua for children (dua for kids)
In this image we share Dua for children (dua for kids).

Read Powerful Dua for memory and intelligence (For memorizing fast)

Dua to protect child from bad habits

One powerful dua for seeking protection from bad habits for a child is: “Rabbi hab li min ladunka dhurriyyatan tayyibatan, innaka samee’ud-du’a.” This means, “My Lord, grant me from Yourself a good offspring. Indeed, You are the Hearer of supplication.” This dua is taken from Surah Al-Imran (Chapter 3), Verse 38.

Method to perform this dua:

  1. performing ablution (wudu)
  2. Raise your hands.
  3. Recite the above dua with sincerity 434 times.
  4. After reciting the dua, make Durood sharif 11 times.
  5. Finally, pray to Allah (SWT) to protect your child from bad habits.

You have to follow this method regularly for 16 days if you want a positive change in your child.

Remember, if you want any help or want to perform this dua under the guidance of Molana Anwar Khan, then feel free to contact him via WhatsApp.

Dua to protect child from bad habits
We share Dua to protect child from bad habits in this image.

Read Best surah for success in everything (Most powerful surah in Quran)

Most powerful dua for disobedient child

The most powerful dua for disobedient children is: “Rabbi ij’alni muqeema as-salami wa min Hurriyat, Rabbana wa taqabbal du’a.” This means, “My Lord, make me an establisher of prayer, and [many] from my descendants. Our Lord, and accept my supplication.” This dua is taken from Surah Ibrahim (Chapter 14), Verse 40.

If parents recite this dua for 15 days at the time of thajuud at least 213 times, then their children will start obeying their parents.

Most powerful dua for disobedient child
We share Most powerful dua for disobedient child.

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11 thoughts on “6 Powerful Dua for Obedient Child (Dua for children)”

  1. My child was being influenced by really bad peer pressure. I did not want him to ruin his life. By Molana Anwar Khans help.. my child has left his disobedient friends and joined his path towards Islam. Thank you molana

  2. Thank you for these duas.. in this present Era.. it is very difficult to have good obedient children.. thank you molana for giving us these duas.

  3. my mum always says that Molana Anwar Khan has helped her bring our disobedient and rude brother to the right path.

  4. My children were very impolite, rude and did not want to listen. By the help of this dua and Molana Anwar Khan.. alhamdulillah they are far better now. They listen to us.

  5. Assalamwalikum molana
    I’m struggling with my son who is 23 years old and I have social services on my case for my younger child
    Please I need assistance
    In the name of Allah please help me

  6. My 4 years old son is extremely getting stubborn and started taking least interest in studies and doesn’t listen to anyone. I am very worried and he is very sensitive that if we get angry or scold him he repeats same in his sleep. I need your help. please let me know what can i do for him


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