Powerul Dua for someone you love in Arabic


A powerful dua for someone you love is a prayer for those who want to find their love and never want it to go away from them.

Love is a unique experience. When you are in love, you realize that you are living the best life of your life.

But your love often goes away from you because of some such thing.

Or some third person comes between you two.

There can be many reasons why your love can go away from you.

If you are facing these difficulties in your life and you want the guidance of Allah Taala in this, then today we are going to give you some such dua taken from Quran Pak, by doing which your love will never go away from you.

What is “Dua for someone you love” How does it work?

Allah Taala has created the solution to all the troubles in this world, and you will find the answer to all those troubles only in the Quran and Hadith.

Similarly, if your problem is related to your love life, we would like to tell you that you can solve it with the help of Quran Pak. 

If you genuinely love someone, your intentions are pure, and you want to marry that person, then undoubtedly, you can quickly get rid of your problem, and that person will return to your life.

Thousands of people have already achieved excellent and positive results after praying this dua on our website.

You can also be one of those thousands of people, so let us know what that prayer is and how to pray it so that any problem related to your love life can be solved quickly.

Read Dua for love back if you want to get your ex lover back in your life.

Important points that you need to know before starting the Dua

  • Before starting the prayer, ensure you are sitting facing QIBLA.
  • While starting the prayer, remember that your intentions are good and pure. You are not praying for this by thinking badly about anyone. If you are doing this, then your prayer will not be accepted.
  • Women should not pray this during their menstruation.
  • While praying this dua, have complete faith in Allah Taala. If there is any lack in your faith, then it is also possible that Allah SWT does not accept your dua.
  • Do not use any kind of magic or shirk while praying because it is prohibited in Islam.
  • Follow the prayer and its method correctly; only then will your prayer be accepted.

Steps to perform Dua for someone you love in Arabic

If you want someone to love you, then first make wudu; after that, recite “Ya Wadudu” 435 times; now take that person’s photo and recite Sahih Al Bukhari Hadith No. 1166,allahumma inni astakhirukilmika” in Arabic (اللهم إني أستخيرك بعلمك) 435 times.

Finally, pray to Allah (SWT) to make that person love you.

Follow this method regularly for 12 days to get the desired results. 

Feel free to consult via WhatsApp if you want help or quick and effective results and want to perform this dua under Molana Anwar Khan.

Thousands of brothers and sisters have found solutions to their life’s problems with the help of Maulana Anwar Khan. Check out our Instagram page to read their testimonials and reviews.

He has already helped thousands of people worldwide with the same matter.

Dua for someone you love in Arabic

Powerful Dua to make someone love you back in 4 easy steps

It hurts a lot when someone loves someone very much, but the other person does not appreciate his love.

People often look for the answer to how to make that person feel your love so that he knows how much you love him.

If you also see yourself in this situation and want your beloved one to realize your love and return to you again. 

Then do not worry, because we will give you another such prayer. 

If you follow it in your daily life correctly, you will get results, inshallah.

  1. Do proper wudu and wear new clothes.
  2. Read two rak-at salah.
  3. Now recite Ayat No. 29 of Surah Al Kahf 232 times.
  4. Pray to Allah (SWT) to make that person start to love you.

Follow this method regularly for 18 days, inshallah. 

If you perform this method with full faith in Allah (SWT), you will find that person starts contacting and thinking about you.

To get married to the person of your choice, read Dua to Get Married to a Specific Person.

Dua to make someone love you back
A dua to inspire affection and love that gets back.

Another powerful Dua to get the person you love in 5 steps

  1. Recite Durood Shareef 11 times.
  2. Then recite this dua 324 times: “Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum Birahmatika Astaghees.”
  3. Again, read Durood Shareef 11 times
  4. Finally, imagine that person whom you love.
  5. Ask Allah (SWT) to get that person’s love in your life.

Follow this method daily for 15 days to see a positive response from that person.

Our thousands of readers already get so many benefits from performing this dua, and now it’s your turn, inshallah.

Read Powerful Dua for someone to come back to you

powerful Dua to get the person you love

Surah to make someone love you 

You must recite Ayat No. 8 of SURAH AL-IMRAN 343 daily after tahajjud (night prayer) for 15 days to make someone love you.

After performing this salah, you have to blow on his photo and pray to Allah SWT to make that person love you like you want.

Surah to make someone love you 
The secret of increasing love and affection can be discovered in surahs.

Benefits of Performing Dua for someone you love

If you want to know the benefits of all the Duas given above, then we will inform you about the benefits of these Duas in detail one by one:

  • The biggest benefit of the above duas will be that you will be able to get your loved one back in your life in a halal way.
  • By doing these duas regularly as per our prescribed rules, both of you will be able to avoid any kind of evil eye.
  • By doing these duas regularly, you will experience positive energy, and you will feel that you are very close to Allah Taala.
  • If you want to marry your love and you are facing any kind of problems with that, in such a situation, by doing these duas, all those issues will be solved.

Read Powerful Dua To Know The Hidden Truth About Someone

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you make dua for someone to love?

Yes, you can just recite this dua correctly daily after every salah for 20 days to make someone love you:

Allahumma inni as’aluka hubba fulan (mention the person’s name), wa as’aluka yusra fi hadha al-amr wa barakah fi hadha al-hubb. Allahumma j’alhu/j’alha qurrata ayni wa j’al bainana mawaddah wa rahmah. Allahumma onzur ila qalbi allathee yatawajahu ilayka biamanah, wa alhimhu/alhaha al-hubba wal-ikhlas. Ameen.

“O Allah, I ask You for the love of [mention the person’s name], and I ask You for ease in this matter and blessings in this love. O Allah, make them the delight of my eyes and establish between us love and mercy. O Allah, look at my heart, which turns to You in trust and inspires in their love and sincerity. Amen.”

How to ask Allah for someone you love?

A possible method to ask Allah for someone you love is to make an emotional and sincere dua and follow it daily (supplication) like:

First, make wudu. Then recite any 5 Allah SWT Names. Now you have to recite “innallaha yusmiu mayasha hu” 546 times. Finally, pray to Allah SWT to make that person love you.

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8 thoughts on “Powerul Dua for someone you love in Arabic”

  1. I turned to Molana Anwar Khan for help with a dua for someone I love dearly. His knowledge and prayers were truly impactful. Within a short period, I noticed positive changes in the relationship. Molana Anwar Khan’s dua brought us closer and strengthened our bond.

  2. Molana Anwar Khan for his expertise in performing dua for someone he loves. Following Molana Anwar Khan’s instructions, Ahmed witnessed amazing results. The dua brought positivity and harmony into his relationship, and Ahmed is thankful for Molana Anwar Khan’s spiritual guidance.

  3. Assalamualaikum Maolana,

    Take my greetings. I wanted to ask you something.
    Is it “allahumma inni astakhirukilmika” ? Or Astakhiruka bi ilmika?


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