Powerful Dua for newly married couple (First night dua)

Dua for newly married couple

The Dua for Newly Married Couples given by us in this article has positively impacted thousands of married couples so far, due to which they have received the blessings of Allah Tala and got good guidance. Even today, it is a boon for thousands of married couples. Every person in this world wants their life after … Read more

3 Best Dua to stop family fights (Stop fighting in house)

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Our Dua to Stop Family Fights has so far brought a positive change in thousands of homes, due to which fights and misunderstandings have ended in homes, and this trend continues for the rest of the people even today. Who doesn’t want a very happy family? Who doesn’t want their home to have all the … Read more

5 Powerful Dua for baby boy in Quran (Get a Beautiful boy)

Dua for having a beautiful baby boy Baby boy dua e1717053075458

Our given Dua for Baby Boy has filled thousands of lives with happiness till now, due to which a baby boy has started giggling in their house, and this trend is continuing for other people. Everyone in this world wishes that their house would be completely perfect. There should be a good income, good children, … Read more

Powerful Dua e qunoot (Meaning and Benefits of Reading Dua e Qunoot)

Arabic Transliteration and Meaning of Dua e Qunoot

Dua-e-Qunoot is a powerful supplication recited during prayer and is essential in Islam. This dua is to be recited in the last Rakat of Witr prayer, and in this article, we will discuss the method, meaning, and benefits of Dua e Qunoot. This dua is recited at a fixed time while praying, and it is recommended … Read more

Powerful Dua for interview (Job interview)

Dua for interview Job interview

The dua for interview given by us in this article has positively impacted the lives of thousands of people so far, due to which the job interviews of many of our brothers and sisters have gone successfully, and today, they have been successful in getting a good job. We all know how important it is to be successful … Read more

Powerful Dua to get job immediately in 3 days

Powerful Dua to get job immediately in 3 days

The Dua to get a job immediately we give in this article has completed the job search for many of our Muslim brothers and sisters. Today, they all do their jobs in a good place; this prayer remains a gift from Allah for many people. Life is a highly precious gift given by Allah, but we all … Read more

Best Powerful Wazifa for marriage in Quran (Marriage Wazifa)

Powerful Wazifa for marriage DUA e1717052713408

Salaam, Today, through this article, we will tell you some things in detail about Wazifa for marriage so that you will be able to solve any problem related to your marriage easily. Marriage is such an important thing, and we all know how important marriage is in Islam. But many times, some people face problems related to … Read more

Powerful Dua to make someone miss you (When someone ignores you)

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Our given Dua to make someone miss you has made a positive impact on the lives of thousands, and people have been successful in reminding their loved ones about themselves. Even today, this process has continued for the rest of the people. In this world, love is done to someone without any meaning; otherwise, in today’s world, everyone … Read more

How to remove jinn from body (Jinnat se bachne ki dua)

Surah yaseen ayat 9 for husband 2 e1717052893766

Our website often receives only one question: How to remove gin from the body, or is there any Dua to remove Jinn from body? In this universe, Allah has created humans, angels, Jinn, and devils. If you want to know whether gin is present around you or not, then by reading our given article, Sign of Jiin in the … Read more

Powerful Dua to change someone’s mind and heart

Dua to make someone change their mind e1717052956571

Our given Dua to change someone’s mind and heart has helped thousands of people so far, and they have succeeded in changing someone’s mind and heart. The process of getting our help is still going on. Do you want to make someone agree with your point, but you are facing many problems regarding this? If you want any … Read more

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