Surah Tariq last 3 ayat for husband (Surah for husband love)

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Our given Surah Tariq last 3 ayat for husband has made a positive impact in the lives of thousands of sisters. Their husbands have started loving them again, and the distance between them has started ending. Marriage in Islam is considered a sacred bond, which is considered the most sacred relationship by Allah. It symbolizes … Read more

5 Signs that your dua will be accepted (signs allah is guiding you after duas)

5 Signs that your dua will be accepted

Salam, Our article, 5 Signs that Your Dua Will be Accepted or Not, has helped thousands of people so far to know whether Allah (SWT) Taala has accepted their dua and even today, this article is proving to be no less than a boon for many people. In this world, every devotee asks Allah (SWT) for something … Read more

Powerful Dua to soften someone’s heart (Create love in someone heart)

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Our given dua to soften someone’s heart has helped thousands of people till now, due to which people have been successful in softening the hearts of their loved ones, and this trend is still going on. Many people desire to be loved, respected, and valued by others, but not everyone finds it easy to attain. Often, individuals experience … Read more

Powerful Dua to forget someone you love (Get over someone)

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Our dua to forget someone you love has made a positive impact in the lives of thousands of people, due to which the memories of their love have been completely erased from their lives, and their lives have become happy again. In this world, Allah Pak has made love so powerful that if the whole … Read more

Powerful Dua to bring husband and wife closer (Increase love)

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Our given dua to bring husband and wife closer has made a positive impact on the lives of husband and wife, due to which husband and wife have come very close to each other, all kinds of distances have ended, and this trend is still going on. If there is one relationship considered sacred in this world, it’s … Read more

Powerful Sabar ki dua (Dua for Patience)

Powerful Dua for Patience Sabar ki dua

The Dua for Patience given by us in this article, Sabar ki Dua, has had a positive impact on the lives of thousands of people so far, due to which people have learned to have patience in difficult times, and their faith in Allah has become even greater. What is patience? If you look closely, patience includes … Read more

Powerful Dua to thank Allah for his favour and blessings In Arabic And English

Powerful Dua to thank Allah for his favour and blessings

The dua given in this article is to thank Allah for his Favour and blessings, which have positively impacted the lives of thousands of people by making them aware of how they can thank Allah (SWT) and strengthen their relationship with Allah (SWT). We all know that life is an infinite gift given to us by … Read more

Powerful Dua for missing person (Lost person to return)

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Our given Dua for Missing Person has helped thousands of people find their lost person again, and even today, with the help of this Dua, people are able to find their lost people. Sometimes, a special person suddenly disappears from our lives, whom we can never even think about. You may also be experiencing such a … Read more

Marriage Istikhara dua (How to pray Istikhara dua for marriage)

Marriage Istikhara dua

Salam! Our given Marriage Istikhara Dua in this article has positively impacted the lives of thousands of people, and they have gotten help from Allah Taala to know if their future spouse is right for them or not. Even today, marriage Istikhara Dua, is proving to be a boon for thousands of people. Istikhara Dua … Read more

Dua Before Intercourse | Humbistari or Janabat ki dua in english

Dua Before Intercourse 1

This Dua Before Intercourse seeks Allah’s protection from the influence of Satan during your Intercourse. This dua helps one seek Allah’s guidance and protection in all aspects of life, including intimacy in marriage. In Islam, sexual Intercourse between husband and wife is considered a sacred and acceptable act within the bond of marriage. It is a way … Read more

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