Powerful Dua to stop bad habits and addiction


Our Dua to Stop Bad Habits has helped thousands of people so far, positively impacting their lives and helping them eliminate bad habits.

It is common to have bad habits, but often, people get stuck in such bad habits that it becomes tough for them to get out of them.

Bad habits can be anything, like addiction, evil deeds, or work that is not halal in the eyes of Allah.

Bad things have a very bad effect on our lives.

When a person starts realizing that perhaps he has been stuck in such bad things that it is tough for him to get out of them and that he has become a sinner in the eyes of Allah SWT, then he starts suffocating inside and feels that his life has been completely ruined.

But this is not so. If we follow Allah’s guidance, no evil force in the world can spoil us.

Today, we will provide you with a powerful dua to help you end your bad habits forever and become a good servant of Allah.

The only condition is that you follow the dua and methods we have correctly given you.

You will feel this dua to be effective only if you follow the rules we have mentioned.

Thousands of people have tried this dua and have gotten amazing results. Because of this, their lives are happy today, and they have been able to spend a good life with their families.

You can also be one of them. Read this article carefully.

Read Powerful Dua to save from hell fire (Dua for jannah)

Follow some rules before starting this Dua

Before starting the prayer, you must follow some rules to end a bad habit. If you do this, you will get quick and good results from the prayer.

So let’s know what the rules are that you have to follow.

  • First, take a few minutes to reflect on how your bad habit has affected your life and the people around you and how you can change its negative impact.
  • Before you start the dua, ask Allah for forgiveness for your past actions related to your bad habits, and tell Allah that you want forgiveness from your heart.
  • Close your eyes and imagine yourself free from bad habits. Prepare with the mindset that you have resolved to eliminate bad habits.
  • Donate a small amount to poor people (Sadka) before making your dua. By doing this, Allah will be kind to you and accept your dua soon.
  • Read Allah’s beautiful names that relate to guidance, strength, and forgiveness, such as Al-Hadi (The Guide), Al-Ghaffar (The Forgiving), and Al-Qawi (The Strong).

Powerful Dua to stop bad habits

Here is a powerful Dua that can be used to seek Allah’s (SWT) help in overcoming bad habits is: “Wa lammaa barazoo liJaaloota wa junoodihee qaaloo Rabbanaaa afrigh ‘alainaa sabranw wa sabbit aqdaamanaa wansurnaa ‘alal qawmil kaafireen.”

This Dua means, “Our Lord, pour upon us patience, plant our feet firmly, and give us victory over the disbelieving people.”

This dua is taken from Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:250.

Powerful Dua to stop bad habits
Recite Powerful Dua to stop bad habits.

How to Use and Perform This Dua:

  1. Perform Wudu (ablution).
  2. Face the Qibla.
  3. Read Durood Shreef 11 times.
  4. Recite Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:250, 435 times.
  5. Ask for Specific Help: After reciting the Dua, you can add your specific request in your words to overcome a particularly bad habit.


O Allah, our Lord, pour upon me patience and strengthen my resolve. Please help me to overcome [mention the specific bad habit] and guide me towards better actions. Ameen.

You must follow this method regularly for 21 days without any gap, and inshallah, that bad habit will be removed from you.

If you need any help or want quick and effective results, you can consult with Molana Anwar Khan on WhatsApp.

“With the guidance of Maulana Anwar Khan, many brothers and sisters have overcome their life’s difficulties. You can find their reviews and testimonials on our Instagram page.”

Read Powerful Dua to make Allah forgive you From Quran and Sunaah.

Dua to stop addiction

To stop the addiction, you can use a powerful Dua, which is a prayer asking for Allah SWT’s help: “Rabbi inni zalamtu nafsi faghfir li.” You have to recite this dua 435 times after every salah for 21 days regularly.

Translation: “My Lord, I have wronged myself, so forgive me.”

Reference: This Dua is inspired by the Quran, specifically from the Dua of Prophet Musa (Moses) when he sought forgiveness for his actions:

“He said, ‘My Lord, indeed, I have wronged myself, so forgive me.’ And He forgave him. Indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.” (Surah Al-Qasas, 28:16)

Dua to stop addiction
Read Dua to stop addiction.

Read Powerful Dua to get rid of bad person.

How to get rid of bad habits in Islam?

In Islam, you must take spiritual and practical steps to overcome bad habits.

Here we share some points to get rid of bad habits:

  1. If you want to eliminate bad habits, first of all, you should be honest, have pure intentions, and always think about how to please Allah Taala.
  2. To overcome your bad habits, ask Allah for help and use the special dua we gave.
  3. Repent sincerely for indulging in a bad habit. Ask Allah for forgiveness and vow not to return to this habit.
  4. Keeping a separate fast apart from Ramadan develops self-control and brings you closer to Allah.
  5. You should read the Quran regularly every day and understand its meanings. The Quran provides guidance and knowledge to help you avoid bad habits.
  6. If you want, you can get help from a professional Maulana. If you feel that your bad habits are intense and robust and may not go away by prayers and these habits are not letting you get closer to Islam, then you can contact a Maulana like Maulana Anwar Khan.

Read Powerful Dua for Forgiveness of Zina.


Finally, we would like to tell you that this article has been specially written so that we can provide powerful dua to our Muslim brothers and sisters to help them avoid bad habits.

If you regularly adopt these duas in your life according to the rules we mentioned, then, Insha Allah, you will get the results, and you will be able to get rid of those bad habits.

In this article, we have also provided references along with the duas so that these duas and surahs can be proven authentic and you can find their source.

If you need any help, send our Maulana through WhatsApp.

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