Best Dua for love marriage in Quran (Dua for marriage)

Steps to perform Dua for love marriage in quran e1716612753677

Salam, our dua for love marriage, has already helped thousands of Yawdudu readers, and it continues. Love is a beautiful feeling. It is the union of two souls, but love is always complete when bound by marriage. “There is nothing like marriage for the two who love one another.“ Sunan Ibn Majah 1847 It is often seen that the … Read more

5 Most powerful Dua for success in exams (Dua before exam)

Most powerful Dua for success in exams Dua before

Salam, our Dua for success in exams has had a positive impact on the lives of thousands of students so far, through which students have passed their exams with good marks, and this trend is continuing for thousands of students. A student knows the stress of exams very well. Even if he has prepared a lot for … Read more

Strongest Dua for hajat fulfilment (Salatul hajat dua)

Dua for hajat fulfilment Salatul hajat dua e1716585288231

Our given Dua for hajat fulfilment has had a positive impact on the lives of thousands till now, through which the believers have received what they desired from Allah Taala, and this trend is continuing for thousands of believers. Allah has created a man full of desires. Every human being has many desires, and he prays to … Read more

Most Powerful Dua for miracle to happen (Miracle to happen)

Dua to make the impossible happen e1717053222977

Our given Powerful Dua for Miracle to Happen has brought miracles into the lives of thousands of people, due to which people have gotten what they wished, and this cycle continues even today for other people. In this life, everyone wants to get what they want, and in this search, people work hard and hard day by … Read more

Powerful Dua for good luck (Dua for luck)

Dua for good luck

Our “Dua for good luck” has made a positive impact on the lives of thousands, which has ended their misfortune, and they have been able to fulfil what they lacked in their lives. Bad luck is such a thing that if someone comes into life, then his life is destroyed. If someone tries their hand at something, … Read more

Powerful Dua for Shifa (Cure Illness, Pain, Fever & Black Magic)

Powerful Dua for Shifa Cure Illness Pain Fever Black Magic

The dua for shifa given by us in this article has helped thousands of our Muslim brothers and sisters so far, due to which they have easily gotten complete relief from their pain, illness, or any magic, and even today, this dua is proving to be a boon for thousands of people. Who in this world does … Read more

3 Best Dua to stop family fights (Stop fighting in house)

Dua to stop family fights e1717053166467

Our Dua to Stop Family Fights has so far brought a positive change in thousands of homes, due to which fights and misunderstandings have ended in homes, and this trend continues for the rest of the people even today. Who doesn’t want a very happy family? Who doesn’t want their home to have all the … Read more

5 Powerful Dua for baby boy in Quran (Get a Beautiful boy)

Dua for having a beautiful baby boy Baby boy dua e1717053075458

Our given Dua for Baby Boy has filled thousands of lives with happiness till now, due to which a baby boy has started giggling in their house, and this trend is continuing for other people. Everyone in this world wishes that their house would be completely perfect. There should be a good income, good children, … Read more

Powerful Dua e qunoot (Meaning and Benefits of Reading Dua e Qunoot)

Arabic Transliteration and Meaning of Dua e Qunoot

Dua-e-Qunoot is a powerful supplication recited during prayer and is essential in Islam. This dua is to be recited in the last Rakat of Witr prayer, and in this article, we will discuss the method, meaning, and benefits of Dua e Qunoot. This dua is recited at a fixed time while praying, and it is recommended … Read more

Powerful Dua for interview (Job interview)

Dua for interview Job interview

The dua for interview given by us in this article has positively impacted the lives of thousands of people so far, due to which the job interviews of many of our brothers and sisters have gone successfully, and today, they have been successful in getting a good job. We all know how important it is to be successful … Read more

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